Melbourne Pigeon Society Inc.

A pigeon club dedicated to the breeding, husbandry and enjoyment of all breeds of fancy pigeons.

Next Meeting is the AGM
Sunday 6th October 2024

Carrington Drive Albion
Starting 10am

About the Melbourne Pigeon Society Inc.

The Melbourne Pigeon Society Inc. (MPS) is one of the oldest pigeon clubs in Australia – established in Victoria in 1913. It was founded to encourage the breeding and exhibiting of all varieties of pigeons and to foster friendliness and good fellowship between fellow members and other breeders.

Monthly Club Meetings are generally held on the 1st Sunday of every month at 10am. New members and visitors are welcomed and encouraged to attend and bring some of their birds along for an informal monthly show. We have a calendar of talks that include pigeon health and husbandry, specific breed talks, or other pigeon related topics.

Our Annual Show is held in July and attracts exhibitors from all over Victoria and interstate, and local and interstate Judges.

Black racing pigeons – Henry Inamoto

About the Hobby

Keeping and breeding fancy, performing and homing pigeons is a great hobby for everyone.

Our current Members include:

  • Master Breeders who have been breeding and developing specific breeds for years
  • Hobbyists who may have a few pairs of flying breeds
  • New Members who are just learning about fancy pigeons
  • Some with hundreds of birds, others with just a dozen
  • Members who really enjoy showing their birds; others who like to come along to meetings and chat…
Classic Bluettes – Tony Ti Amo

Are there any health concerns with keeping pigeons?

The standard health and hygiene practices related to keeping any pets or animals, apply to pigeon keeping.

In July 1995, the (American) Association of Pigeon Veterinarians at its Ninth Annual Veterinary Symposium of the National Avian Disease Task Force for Pigeons and Doves, passed the following resolution:

‘The Association of Pigeon Veterinarians, after careful review of the documentation of the Avian Disease Research Committee of the American Pigeon Fanciers’ Council, and the implemented studies of the National Avian Disease Task Force for Pigeons and Doves, and consideration of the data from the United States Centre for Disease Control (CDC), we do affirm and testify that to our knowledge, the raising, keeping and the exercising of pigeons and doves represents no more of a health hazard than the keeping of other communal or domestic pets.’