Rings & MPS Shop

Club Rings

To show your birds in the MPS Annual Show or National Show (or most other pigeon club shows), your birds must be rung with a closed Australian National Pigeon Association ring. New rings are issued each year around the middle of the year.

To purchase rings, you must be a current member of the MPS. You can buy the rings at Monthly Club Meetings or by completing and mail the below form to the Ring Secretary.


How do I pay for my Rings?

You can make payment at the Monthly Club Meetings (cash only!) or pay by direct deposit:

Melbourne Pigeon Society Inc
Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633 000
Account: 192 663 276
Reference: Please make sure we know what you are paying for eg. ‘Rings Joe Bloggs’

Club Merchandise

The MPS has a range of club merchandise available for purchase by members, friends and visitors including caps, polo shirts and calendars. You can make payment at the Monthly Club Meetings (cash only!) or via direct debit (with pick-up at the Club Meeting).